Friday 14 September 2012

Little Cookies - all about food.

Well. The Little Cookies after school club was definitely a big hit with Tamsin. She came out saying it was better than Brownies - and that really is the highest praise ever! She can't wait to go back next Friday.

I was very impressed as she handed me something very large, and lovely and warm, wrapped in tin foil, to take home with us.

Here is the masterpiece:
Apple Strudel! Yum-meee!

I jumped at the chance for her to join in this after school club to be honest - food is not her favourite thing at all, and I'd love for her to be a bit more adventurous. I'm hoping she'll listen to someone else explain how the different food groups are important, because as the Lord knows, I've tried. It took a good 15 minutes of her running away before she agreed to put a mouthful of this in her mouth. She had a morsel and declared it was disgusting - but I tried, and it was actually rather delicious!

I'm linking this up to The Crazy Kitchen who is running a Foodie Foto Friday. Probably for the first and last time, seeing as, you know me, I can't cook to save my life. Although I am partial to a bit of baking....... so watch this space!


  1. well done to your daughter making the Apple Strudal..I bet it was delicious! I hope to see you in the Linky again - it doesn't have to be something you've cooked - food in the bakery window are fine too!
    thanks for linking up this week

    1. Thanks - am pretty sure I will be back with my cakes :-)

  2. It's lovely when your kids find an after school activity that they enjoy :) long may it last!

    1. Oh yes. You can read my mind. I'm giving it another week before the 'but I'm too tired' starts... ;)

  3. Wow, I don't think we have progressed past coleslaw at school!


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