Monday 27 January 2014

How To: #SpreadALittleHappiness

What a lovely idea, I thought - #SpreadALittleHappiness. 
I'm all for doing that, as often as possible. 
It's true that I wasn't exactly invited to take part (I think the idea originated on The Reading Residence but I'm not blaming her). Luckily though, I'm now officially an Orli, Just Breathe stalker (read her blog by clicking on her name - she's fab, honest) and so I stole carried on the idea from her.

Does this make you happy?
Or this?
Or how about this?
Well, it's true that I am a dog lover and so all of these pictures make me happy. Luckily though, I also love cats, so these push my buttons too:

Oops, sorry, excuse the French mum.

Anyhow, my happy news is that we are on the look out for two new babies to join our family - KITTENS I meant, kittens! Yay! I've compromised as Mr C refused a dog point blank (*sadface*) so he's compromised by agreeing that we will have two pets (he just doesn't know that yet).

This is great and happy news, but as always, there is a BUT. Sasha, our youngest with autism, has already decided what colour kitty she wants. Note that it's not 'would like', it's wants and will not have anything else. So we are now on the look out for one ginger kitty who could come with a sibling who is tabby or black and white or grey (anything except ginger is Tamsin's request). The ginger cat will, of course, be named Stampy. Have I told you about the girls' love of Minecraft and watching the wonderful Stampylongnose videos on YouTube? Did I also mention that Tamsin got into Stampy's Love Garden by making her own animation and uploading it to YouTube (it's since had 18,795 hits and let's not talk about the comments)? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, there's your own reason to be happy right there.

We could be waiting a while for our new feline friends I fear. Do please share and shout out if you know of any kitty-cats meeting the requirements!

This is a Blog Hop; hopefully you can smile at some of the other lovely posts included below: