Sunday 21 June 2015

BritMums Live 2015

My birthday treat this year was to spend the weekend in London, attending the BritMums Live blogging conference along with over 700 other bloggers. The chance to mingle and chat with grown-ups without having to break off to provide food or clothing, or tidy up mess, bliss!

The best bit about it was definitely getting to catch up with some old friends and familiar faces, and the chance to meet some bloggers I've chatted with online 'in real life (IRL)'. The worst bit was probably not getting enough time to have long chats with many of them, and only being able to manage a fleeting 'hello' to some lovely ladies who I'd rather have sat down over a bottle of wine with. On top of that, there were so many other new faces there that I just didn't get chance to blink at - I still think my idea of a Blogger Speed Dating session should have been taken up by the wonderful (but busy) organisers!

As it was, we got to know some better than others by breaking an official Guinness World Record together on the Friday evening. I am now the proud owner of a record breaking medal, yay! One of life's ambitions ticked off and extra impressed points donated to me by eldest daughter. We wrapped 51 mummies (lots of toilet roll, all recycled) in the space of 3 minutes, aren't we clever?! The previous record was 50, and we had 18 mummies disallowed due to gaps which were too wide... I personally made sure there were no gaps on our mummy, who was the rather gorgeous Ella of Deliciously Ella fame.

(I'm sure I learnt in one conference session that photos should be landscape and that it's better to use no photo than a bad one. I just love to break the rules....)