Saturday 27 August 2016

Gravity Force trampoline park (Review)

Last week we were invited to try out the very first adaptive jump session at the new Gravity Force park. Both girls were so excited to have a trampoline park like this much closer to home finally, and they couldn't wait to check it out.

Now I'll just say that the trampoline in our garden has definitely been one of our best buys; the girls both love it and have spent many happy hours on there, both apart and together. To be fair it has been the scene of a few spats too... but that's siblings for you, eh?!

However you can't beat the excitement of many trampolines all together (around 60 apparently), especially when they go vertically up the wall too, and at Gravity Force there are a nice couple of extras which the girls really enjoyed.

Long track trampolines and a special wavy one were given a huge thumbs up, as were the dodgeball courts and the basketball runs, but the main event was the foam pits, which you could launch yourself into from various heights and trampolines. Easily the favourite part of the park for my girls!

The park was of course lovely and clean as it's brand new; the cafe area is huge and has some great views over the trampolines (for those lucky adults who are actually allowed to leave their children down there alone). It costs £10 per person for an hour of bouncing but you do need to wear their special bounce socks, which cost £2 to purchase. They are offering Gravity Force parties at £16.95 per head including food, and I'm sure this will be a popular option. Then there are sessions for tots and teenagers (separately!) and some Gravity Fit classes, which I would love to go to but can't (my maximum time on a trampoline before needing the toilet is around 2 minutes...).

I'm pleased that Gravity Force are planning on running adaptive sessions for those with disabilities; initially I believe they are planning daytime sessions but of course I'll be hot on their heels to arrange some after school times. We were lucky that the trampoline park was very quiet when we were allowed in, and that made all the difference to our autistic girl. She had a great time but was very red-faced and totally shattered before our time was up.

Sasha is finding it increasingly difficult to cope in any place which is busy or noisy and we've been struggling to leave the house of late. Of course our house move and the hot weather haven't helped us in this regard but I'm hoping she'll feel more settled soon. I know she'd happily agree to a return visit to Gravity Force, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't last very long if the noise and heat levels were high or if she had to wait in queues for the foam pits, or if other children were bouncing on her trampoline. Eldest will of course cope with anything and has already decided that's where her next party will be... probably!

Disclosure: we were offered free entry in order to review this new trampoline park, however all opinions in this post are honest and our own.