Saturday 25 June 2016

Finalist in Inspire category

Thanks to a little hospital trip (update part 3 still outstanding, coming soon...), I don't think I really had chance to say Thank You.

Thank You to everyone who supported me over the 10 days I was in hospital to our youngest girl; social media kept me going and all of your messages helped get me through each day. Sometimes, just knowing someone is caring is all that matters.

Another huge thank you to everybody who voted for me in the Brilliance in Blogging Awards. I can still hardly believe that I made it through to be a Finalist in the Inspire category. Up against some amazing blogs, and a great bunch of ladies who all have much to say and who try to do good in the world. I'm currently at the BritMums Live event in London, and the Awards ceremony will be taking place later on today. Just to know that many people appreciated my blog enough to make the effort to vote for me warms the cockles of my heart, so thank you all! Not expecting to win at all but I have taken many photos today and no doubt there will be a future post summarising my experience... 😊

(This photo is not one I have taken today funnily enough. I obviously need more lessons on how to blog on a mobile...)