Sunday 15 January 2017

Siblings {January 2017}

New year, new start.. better photos... well, that was the hope. This photo was at least taken with my 'posh' camera which I've barely had time for in the last 3 months. One day I'll learn how to use it properly.

Stephs Two Girls Siblings in snow Jan 17

Thursday eve, after we had our small amount of snowfall, the girls were outside at 7pm in the pitch black, laughing and giggling as they made a snowman family together. It was lovely to watch - from the cosy warm inside!

Today has been a lazy day at home, trying to avoid the stress of back to school thoughts. Thought I'd try and ask them for a photo together - Sasha's first question was 'why?'.

So I showed her all the Siblings photos I've taken over the years, and she then asked 'but why do you need a photo showing what we look like every month?'

When you put it like that, I guess I don't....

But I'm not going to let that stop me. So I hope you enjoy this photo as much as I enjoyed trying to take it. Here's the only one I can publish from today - heads bowed together as they shared a giggle over how they could sabotage the 'shoot'....

Stephs Two Girls Siblings Jan 17

The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful

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