Wednesday 23 April 2014

The Magic Belles are fabulous!

Have you heard of the wonderful Magic Belles? If not, I urge you to check out their website right now! Aimed at young children, the website is a fantastic, magical place. There are stories, printables for colouring, recipes, facts, cute music videos and games to play, and your child can sign up to the Flutterbud club for some extras.

Sasha loves all of the Belles - there's Butterfly Belle, Star Belle, Flower Belle, Rainbow Belle, Love Belle and Cupcake Belle. Guess which one is my favourite?
We were so lucky to be chosen to receive a Magic Belles Special Make craft pack.
It contained some fabulous wooden bunting with a colourful rainbow ribbon to hang it from, some special decorating markers, hundreds of hearts, stars and butterflies, sequins and pompoms, and two gorgeous wooden rainbows. 

All perfect for Sasha who has always loved rainbows, and for Tamsin who loves nothing better than a bit of crafting! 

We spent a good couple of hours designing and making our colourful bunting, and the two girls worked beautifully together, heads down the whole time.
Our finished bunting took pride of place above our mantelpiece to keep us all cheerful! Thanks so much Magic Belles, we love you ;)