Wednesday 9 December 2015

The chance to dance

Seriously, THE best way to spend half an hour. Watching your children dance freely, just enjoying themselves to the music and laughing out loud. I probably looked a bit crazy and doting, sitting there with a huge grin on my face, but honestly, it was the highlight of my year.

So I thought you should all share in my happiness - though yes, I appreciate they are my girls and it's not quite the same.... but I still reckon this clip will put a smile on your faces.

Huge thanks go to the wonderful dance teacher who has the most fabulous attitude, and who must be exhausted after a half hour session of following our youngest girl's instructions and copying her somewhat unusual dance moves. Yes, I do know teaching is generally supposed to be the other way around (i.e. experienced person to novice), but we'll work on that next term I hope! Due to the PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance), S likes to be giving the orders so that she stays in control, so it helps that there are not many in the class to argue with her...

These are special dance sessions put on by the Herts Dance Association at the All Saints Studios to promote inclusion, education and equality in dancing. I'm just so happy that the stars aligned, that this perfect opportunity landed right on our doorstep, and on an evening when we weren't already taking eldest girl to and from her after school activities. Lady luck was definitely shining on us and I'm grateful.

I had to include all the photos I took because they were all equally poor quality... will take along a better camera rather than just a phone next time!

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