Monday 1 February 2016

Disney inspires our Healthily Ever After moments with Frozen and Inside Out

Disney has played a huge part in our life as a family ever since our eldest was born and she first grabbed Pooh Bear. So when we heard that Disney were launching a campaign to help inspire families to be healthy and active, with the hashtag #HealthilyEverAfter, we were very keen to be a part of that.

The campaign features this video below and Disney hope that you might watch with your children to kick-start a conversation around healthy living:

There are lots more activities and ideas on the Disney Healthy Living website, such as workouts with their favourite characters, and crazy fun food ideas to inspire the children to eat more vegetables.

Our first personal challenge was to write about times when we have been inspired by Disney to play together.

Inside Out was such a huge hit for our family - it's the only film that Sasha has been able to sit and watch the whole way through. More than that, she knew about the film before it was released (thanks to YouTube!) and it grabbed her imagination even before we went to see it at the cinema. It helped us look at emotions from a different point of view; something that can be difficult for children with autism to grasp. We have, of course, managed to collect several items of merchandise, from soft toys to talking dolls to playsets, and all of them fire the imagination on a regular basis. This time though, Tamsin was keen to create a little movie with a story based around getting outside.

Sadly when it was time to film the video, Sasha decided she'd rather not be behind the camera. No matter; we weren't trying to create a film star, we were just aiming to come together as a family for some play, and it definitely worked. The girls had so much fun coming up with ideas for this, and then enjoyed a good bounce together outside in the (chilly) sun!

We were also asked to think about how our children inspire us to get active. Thanks to Sasha's love of water, we swim regularly together as a family but I decided that it would be too easy to write about that and link it to Finding Nemo (one of my favourite Disney films). So instead, I thought I'd share two instances which the film Frozen could have inspired, involving skating and snow.... 

Disney's film Frozen is all about two sisters, one of whom is a little bit different, and the other who battles through adversity to keep them together. It's a very sweet message which is particularly poignant for our family I think. The girls have unwittingly identified themselves with the relevant character and the Happy Ever After ending always gives hope. 

Just after Christmas, we decided to get a little active in the cold like Anna and Elsa by going skating together as a family. We loved it so much that we went back two days later with friends! A few days later the girls were so excited at the first snowfall of the year, and it inspired us to all spend time outside. Not quite enough snow for a decent Olaf, but we did play a little snow cricket. 

So now we'd like to know how you inspire your family to be healthier and more active? It would be great if you can let Disney know on @Disney_UK using the tag #HealthilyEverAfter.

This post is part of Disney's #HealthilyEver After campaign with BritMums, sponsored by Disney. Share your stories and be inspired at and live Healthily Ever After (#HealthilyEverAfter).

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