Wednesday 12 July 2017

School Update

Time to update the blog, very briefly, about how Sasha is getting on.
Sasha building dens in wood
Sasha exploring at the local Bluebell Wood, where she told me about the 4 different types of energy that she had learned about by watching the Stampylongnose Wonderquest series on YouTube

For reasons which will be clear to many, I'm not able to go into too much detail at this point. Sasha had been attending a mainstream primary school, but we reached a point about three weeks ago where it all became too difficult for her. Right now, she is at home, and adamant that she won't be returning to that school.

The positive news is that she says she does want to go to school - she has asked for an autism school. A school where there are children like her. That leaves me with somewhat of a challenge, and possibly helps explain why I can't tell our tale in all its glory right now.

There is much to try and do right now that I'm not sure where to begin (and that's not just the housework I'm talking about...) so instead I decided to share with you the highlight of my week so far.

Sasha and I went into school for a meeting with the Headteacher and SENCO this morning. I'd suggested it, so Sasha could tell them in her own words how she is feeling about everything. I suspected she might not say much, as conversation can be a struggle for her - especially at times of high anxiety. Being back in the school where she doesn't want to be, sitting down in the Headteacher's office, was always going to be a difficult situation for her (for many of us, if we're being honest!).

Questions were asked, answers were somewhat stilted and quiet, and then the Headteacher made a comment in relation to what could be done at school.

'Anything is possible, Sasha', he offered with a smile.

'What, like flying when you're pooping?' questioned Sasha, quick as a flash, with a cheeky grin.

Tears sprung out of the corners of my eyes. To be fair, the Headteacher only took a moment to compose himself before responding that aeroplanes do have toilets. And the SENCO pointed out that birds can do it.

Honestly, I have no idea where life will take us next on this journey with our amazing little girl, but one thing I know for sure. Life will never be boring. 

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