Friday 25 February 2011

Five things I want my daughters to know about me...

There are so many fab blogging mummies out there, and I love dipping into different lives (some might call it being nosey...). Some ideas really grab me, like this one which I may well take further - I think it would be nice to write a letter to my daughters now, for them to read in later life. Very topical, as the news today is talking about whether children should continue to use pens/pencils to write exams or do it through computers. Advances in technology, amazing eh?!

Anyway this is a very short form of it, started off in Ella's blog Notes From Home but I came to it through the fantastic Helloitsgemma (click here!) and Mummy's Little Monkey blogs (read here! )....

1. I love you more than life itself. I know, that is a daft thing to say, but it's just so hard to explain how much I love you. You are my life, my family. Love You.

2. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a Stay-At-Home-Mum (long may it continue). It's certainly not the easiest job in the world, but definitely the most rewarding and I'm so glad I was there for you every step of the way. From the gigges to the tantrums, it's all been brilliant. Thank You.

3. Before this however, I did actually go out to work; I had a 'proper' job, and I worked hard as well as Daddy to enable us all to enjoy nice things in life. Some people are really lucky and find jobs that they enjoy, others just work hard for a living. I was somewhere inbetween - much as I loved what I ended up doing ('shopping', as your Dad always calls it), it wasn't what made me tick. I really hope you find a job that makes you happy, but remember you have to work at everything and always do your best.

4. You can tell me anything. I'd honestly like you to tell me everything, although I'm sure as you grow up you may not want to, and I'll understand that too. But I've been there and done most things before myself. I may be disappointed or sad, but I will always love you and help you. I'd like to share in your good and bad times - you are like my best friends. Remember always, a problem shared is a problem halved. That's partly why I started this blog!

5. I'm always really sorry for being snappy and short-tempered, that's sadly not one of my better personality traits. But PMA - positive mental attitude - is something I do believe in strongly, and even though we all have down moments, days or weeks, it's only you ultimately who can bring yourself back out of them. Life is what you make it. True that there is a bit of luck involved, but you have to stay positive to understand how to build on that luck and not squander chances. Life is a wonderful thing - live it to enjoy it, you never know how long you've got. No regrets.


  1. I have a grade A in snappy too but couldnt agree more with No.5

  2. lovely post, very honest - it's easy to brush over our own failing, being a bit snappy sometimes.
    Love number 3, sometimes I forget the 'time before"
    Thanks so much for sharing, and for the mention - much appreciated! x

  3. I love the honesty in your post. I share the short-tempered trait but you're right, a PMA is definitely the way to be.

    Thanks for joining in this week. I've followed your blog so I'm looking forward to getting to know you a bit better x


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