Monday 15 October 2012

#sylvanianfamiliesparty - join in with the fun!

A couple of weeks ago, I agreed to host a Twitter Party for Sylvanian Families. There have been some blog posts around lately questioning whether these types of marketing event are a good idea, but as I'd already agreed to give it a go it's full steam ahead here and tomorrow is the day!

Sylvanian Families are really loved in this house by both girls, which is largely why I agreed to host a party. It's a brand which I'm happy to support because as a previous toy buyer myself, I know the products are excellent quality and well thought out - the girls have spent many happy hours role-playing with them. They already have a few bits, and are now over-excited at the thought of adding to their collection. The big box which arrived did whip them up into a frenzy, although to be honest it wasn't full to bursting so their expectations are maybe set a little higher than I would have liked....! I'm hiding the surprises a little in this photo....

I think it'll be great fun, although as per usual I am now wondering whether I've overstretched myself, on a school night mid-week, when we seem to suddenly have a lot of extra things going on. It's busier than Christmas round here!

Anyhow we are wisely keeping it fairly 'small', with just a few girls coming to share in the fun. There are going to be timed games and competitions, and a Sylvanian themed tea party, so I'm hoping to have grown an extra 4 arms overnight.

Tune in to Twitter tomorrow afternoon from 4pm to find out more! You can follow me on @stephc007 (or click the button at top right of my blog!).


  1. Wishing you the best of luck with this! Out sylvanian families have been relegated to the attic for the past 10 years :)

    1. well, if you ever decide to make some space and would like to sell any of them I'm sure there'd be a willing taker here ;)

  2. Very best of luck with your Sylvanian party. An xbox boy house here I'm afraid, the only 'house' play he does is on Skyrim!

    xx Jazzy

    1. each to their own :) it was very girlie, I'll have to admit!


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