Friday 26 October 2012

Thank You, Thank You, and 40 times Thank You!!

It's scary how the last 4 months have flown by.... I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all my friends who remembered me on my 40th birthday. I had so many gorgeous cards and gifts, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
To all those who joined me for the Abba night, I'd like to say that I had such a fab time, it still goes down as one of my best nights ever. Here's the official group pic (minus just the one camera-shy lady, you know who you are...!!):

For all those who contributed to my special birthday present of some Ticketmaster vouchers, I'd like you to know how happy and excited I am that I've been able to pick something extra special to use them on - two events in fact! Next week I will go and see my one true love favourite ever male singer. I have seen him in concert a few times before, but this time will be at a very special venue that I've never been to before - The Royal Albert Hall.

And then, next month, I couldn't believe my luck when I managed to get pre-sale tickets for the one and only Gary Barlow!! Again at the Albert Hall, which I'm sure will be an amazing setting.

So now you know what I'll be up to in the run-up to Christmas. Thanks to all involved, it was a fab present, and whilst they not be your first choices (second maybe, huh?!), I do know I am going to have a blast. Maybe I'll even try and run on stage and blog about it after....


  1. Happy Birthday, it sounds like you have had an amazing time and with so much more to look forward to, lucky you x

    1. yes I've been a v lucky girl :-) I like to make special occasion last as long as possible!

  2. Aw I want an Abba night! I totally missed my 40th because I was pregnant and didn't see the point. Will I still be able to do Abba at 50??

    1. Hell yes. Can I come too! You don't look as old as me -maybe you could get away with pretending it was your 40th next year instead?!

  3. Ah, Happy 40th birthday Steph! Looks like you celebrated it in fantastic style, an Abba night, how perfect. What a great idea ticketmaster vouchers are! Enjoy your concerts :-)

    xx Jazzy

  4. Happy Birthday! It looks like the best birthday ever, and now the celebrations will continue. And yes, DEFINITELY you should run on stage, that would be amazing :)

    1. I'll struggle with the stage appearance on Monday for Bryan - I'm actually going to be sitting in a box at the Albert Hall, can you believe it?! Would be a long jump :-)


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