Thursday 17 September 2015

It's Oh So Quiet.... sssshhhh!

I hardly dare say this... *I'm whispering in my head*... but things are going O-K. For now. I'll take OK for now.

Considering we have just sold our house and moved home, into a slightly smaller rental property, only a week after Back To School, things are ticking along rather nicely.

Yes, the house is a tip, and yes, some items are still lost in a box somewhere, and yes, we can't see as much of the floor as we'd like to, BUT all is relatively calm. The girls are loving the new musical doorbell and are generally happy.

I don't really like saying it out loud, as I'm sure I'll jinx everything. It's important to stop sometimes though and appreciate everything you have. I know how lucky we are, and I'm grateful.

I've been on the receiving end of a rant from another parent this week, because I couldn't offer her a space on my upcoming course to help parents of children with PDA. It's difficult to take, but I've had to let it go and shake it off (wondering if I can get any more songs in here) as I understand her desperation but know how much the other parents already signed up and all those on the wait list really need the support too. I'd love to help them all and will try my best.

The return to school has gone amazingly well. Sasha seems to have decided that Year 4 would be different, and better. I think it's helped massively that we have a very switched-on, experienced teaching assistant now working with her a fair amount of the time, and I'm also very pleased with the class teacher who is taking everything in her stride so far. Sasha will never be one of those children who can mask her difficulties and blend into the background, but she has made huge strides into controlling her emotions and knowing her own limits. 

A Circle of Friends has been set up for her now - will post more on this another time. It was lovely to hear that so many of her peers wanted to help her in this way and we'll be watching to see how this works going forward. It has thrown up some questions, in that the meetings about this will have probably made Sasha start to realise that she's different, but we haven't talked about that in any detail at home yet. Barely at all in fact, as we've been waiting for her questions on why she needs extra support etc but none have yet come.....

Year 4 have weekly swimming lessons and as Sasha loves the water, she has been super excited and looking forward to these all summer. Last week I went along to the first session, to be on hand in case the excitement and the reality didn't match up. We had done a fair amount of preparation, which definitely helped, and her amazing TA (Teaching Assistant) stayed with her poolside which was also a big plus. I was probably pegged as an over-anxious parent, but to be honest I'd rather that than drop her in at the deep end (pun intended, excuse me)! It all went swimmingly well (sorry, can't help myself) until she came out and was very tired and hungry. She just about managed to get through that though and I'm sitting here waiting to see what the feedback from the second session today will be. My heart did a little leap this morning when she told me that I didn't need to go and be there this week; she is certainly striving for independence already and I'm very proud of her for trying!

So all in all, life is good. Apart from the fact that I don't have enough time to blog regularly, and I miss it! There's always so much more to say. 

Tomorrow is the annual Mad Blog Awards ceremony for bloggers, and whilst I am not up for an award, or having to do a flashmob this year, I've been invited along by the wonderful Raisie Bay and it's a chance for me to enjoy some 'grown-up' time. Woo hoo! Wonder if there'll be a surfboard this year, or a Giant Operation? Hoping the fab Dr.Ranj is going to show up again too... but the best bit is catching up with lots of other amazing bloggers. Bring it on.