Wednesday 11 November 2015

Disney 'From Our Family To Yours' campaign

Disney are such a big company that they don't really need me writing about them, but I think one of the qualities that makes them so great is that they do come up with good products and great marketing ideas, like their latest one called 'From Our Family To Yours'....

I heard about this recently and I thought it was a lovely, simple idea. It involves sharing a festive photo on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #DisneyStoreFamily. Each family that submits a photo will be entered into a competition to win a family trip to New York, including a private shopping spree at the Disney Store in Times Square. Wow. Excitement overload! Even better though, for every time a family photo is shared, a soft toy will be donated to a child by Disney*.

So of course the first thing I did was rush off to check out my festive pics, and spent far too much time being nostalgic. 

There are also various fun and free activities taking place in Disney stores to help boost the campaign, such as letter writing and card making, and people are being encouraged to take photos in store. For more information and the competition terms and conditions, please check out

So which pic do you think I should enter?!

*For every photo shared at #disneystorefamily between 01/11/2015 to 22/11/2015Disney Store will donate a soft toy to a pre-agreed charity. Maximum of 15,000 soft toys to be donated across the UK, Ireland and France.

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