Thursday 2 October 2014

Phonics fun with Biff, Chip and Kipper.. and Nintendo

Recently we were offered the chance to review Phonics fun with Biff, Chip and Kipper on our lovely Nintendo 2DS.

I don't know about the rest of you, but those crazy names are firmly stuck in my head after the Infant school years. Sophie can actually read quite well, but doesn't like to push herself forward too much and still prefers books she finds comfort in because she is familiar with them (the Dora books and Mr.Men range are still a firm favourite here).

So I thought it would be interesting to see if she could transfer the idea of reading onto her 2DS...

Phonics Fun with Biff, Chip and Kipper is more than just a reading book; it's a learning game and it comes in three different levels. We looked at Level 3, which is roughly aimed at ages 4-7.

Level 1 starts off with word sounds and Level 2 moves onto word formation. In level 3 you are presented with a shelf of books on a variety of subjects (so they are not all Biff, Chip and Kipper, a bonus there!) and the idea is that as you open each one and read, there are then mini activities to complete. Once completed, you earn a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, which is then intended to spur the children on to completing the next bit.

There's also the chance to practise handwriting, as words used in the story are revisited and tested. It can be a bit tricky for younger ones to have the patience to get their writing recognised, so I'd say frustrating for some but a good motivation for others to improve. There are also comprehension questions, and the chance to record your own voice - so plenty of variety to keep the children occupied.

Sadly Sophie didn't want to engage with this game, but I do put that down to her autism rather than anything else. The product itself looks really good; the only small niggle for me is that the writing in the books is a bit on the small side and I wouldn't want the children to be peering at a small screen for too long.

If it sounds like something your children might enjoy, do go and visit the Nintendo website for more details.

We were sent the above product for the purpose of this review, but have not received payment. All the views expressed here are our own.