Friday 8 December 2017

Christmas by Pines and Needles (Review)

Last week I wrote about some of my Christmas joys (have you remembered to enter the competition for a holiday?!) but this week it's time to focus on one thing that I wouldn't be without at Christmas - the tree.
Christmas tree in bay window

We've not had a real pine tree since the girls were small - think Sasha must have been very young but she can still obviously remember crawling around by the tree and hurting her hands on the prickly needles. She wasn't keen on the idea of a real tree this year, but seeing as we have now finally moved into our 'forever home', we were able to compromise and agree that the girls would get to keep their fake tree in the back room, and I would be able to have a beautiful real tree from in the middle of the big bay window in our front room.
branches of Nordmann Fir tree

So I went off to choose a tree locally and had it delivered that night. It's a premium non-drop tree, a Nordmann Fir, and the needles are actually much softer than even I remembered so maybe we'd had a different variant last time all those years ago.
Selection of tree decorations from

Next came the best part... the decorating! Pines and Needles have a great range of stylish decorations for your tree and home, and their website is super easy to browse and order from. They've grouped decorations by theme - can you guess which one I went for?! 
Tree decorations from

You can order real or artificial trees from their website - and you can even hire an artificial tree if you don't have place to store one. Pines and Needles also do lights, wreaths, tree stands and tree skirts. My top recommendation is the fake snow as I found it made such a pleasant change from all the bright tinsel we used to have. Of course, I'm not ditching that entirely, there will still be plenty of it on the girls' tree....

So what do you think of my efforts then? Stylish? Minimalist? Festive? How do you do yours? What's your favourite thing to hang on your tree? Let me know in the comments!

I couldn't resist leaving you with this sneaky photobomb by our youngest who was around to 'help' today....

**Edited to add this special offer which I've just seen online:
Exclusive offer in-store and online! Use code RUSH17 for 10% off your order plus a free mini tree. Starts 07/12/2017. Offer must end Sunday 10th December!

We were sent these decorations for our tree by Pines and Needles and asked to review them; all thoughts and opinions on them are our own.

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