Monday 5 February 2018

Monday Motivation: Breathe

When you want something so badly, it can be difficult to remember to breathe. This week's Monday Motivation picture will hopefully act as a reminder note:
Picture of pink clouds and trees

'Just breathe in, breath out, and remember that moving forward means taking it one step at a time.'

I need to bear this in mind when thinking about Sasha's future. The school refusal stage was a very large and long hurdle to jump (think Grand National) and trying to ensure the best path was followed has taken a lot out of me.

The next steps for us need to be small and well considered. We finally received the news last week that Sasha would be given a place at our local MLD (Moderate Learning Disability) school, and whilst I've been very open about the fact that we wish there was some other provision more suitable for her nearby, this is the way forward for now.

There was a meeting at the new school last week, and we agreed that after half term, Sasha will go to visit the school again. Then she will begin a slow and steady transition period. It's so vital to get this right for her, and this week I would love to receive any comments and suggestions on what worked for other families who made this move from mainstream to a special school for their child. Advice from the school's point of view would be equally helpful, along with other feedback regarding experiences of those who were out of school for some time before returning. 

Over to the Monday Motivation Linky now- it would be great if you have anything motivational or inspiring to share with us! 

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