Friday 23 March 2012

Assembly - conforming and the 'norm'...

Today was a good day. Well, until I started watching Sport Relief that is.... one sad clip was all I could take, I'm such an emotional wuss. But I really don't need to see any more to know how bad it is for others out there. Just wish we could help them all.

Anyhow, today was Sasha's class assembly. At her review last week I was keen to point out that I didn't want them to 'force' her to join in for my sake - it really wouldn't bother me if she wanted to sit them out, as for her I feel it's a lot of extra stress she doesn't actually need. However I did agree that it's always worth trying, just so long as there's a plan A,B,C and D.... I guess the whole experience of joining in something like that en masse is one which can benefit her in several ways in the long run.

Well, I'm pleased to tell you, it was a huge success. I'm only sorry I can't post the video here (others involved, and it's a bit long!). Sasha was a real star and joined in with all the singing and dancing (well, until the last song, by which point she'd clearly had enough but was still content to just sit and watch). The absolute best bit was when all the children paired up with the person next to them to do some 'old style' couple swaying - Sasha was teamed with the lovely Enda and make very sure she, and he, had their hands in exactly the right position. Priceless. I almost blubbed with joy, several times. It takes me back to watching Tamsin in similar performances; in the early days, when I just enjoyed them for what they were, and then more recently when they've always been tinged with the thought of how it won't be the same for Sasha. I'm pretty sure though, that anybody walking into that assembly room would not have noticed anything 'different' about Sasha (until maybe right at the end, when she wanted to sit on her teacher's knee - but even that's not so unusual for this age group). 

In a way it's sad that the 'normalness' is something we hope for, but it's not really that I'm wishing Sasha was any different or 'normal'. It's just that I'm very aware that it's a sad fact of life that our society suits people who fit into the 'norm' much better.

So anyhow, the assembly was amazing, and something I feel very lucky to have been able to enjoy. Even more amazing when you consider that Sasha had been awake since 530 this morning, after waking from a nightmare the second night running. She's also poorly with cough and cold, yet still managed to be cheerful and manage the rest of the day at school and a happy evening back home.

We are so lucky to have both our girls. Just off to put all our clips of the JLS concert onto a special DVD for Tamsin - can't wait to see how pleased she is in the morning, fingers crossed!


  1. So glad that the assembly went well. I understand your feelings on "normalness" - it is sad that society isn't more tolerant of those who are different. But the best part of Sasha doing well is that it meant that she was able to cope with an unusual, potentially stressful situation, and still perform all the singing and dancing. Hooray!

    1. Yes, we're really lucky that she will 'conform' sometimes - although sadly that contributes to the fact people don't understand why she can't at others I guess! But she's certainly not a PDA extreme, unlike some cases I've heard of today.....

  2. What a lovely day you all had :) So glad that Sasha enjoyed it and that her lovely classmates and teacher made sure that she didn't feel any different - and that's what it's all about really isn't it? It's not that we wish their differences away, we just want them to feel included in society like everyone else x

    1. Yes, inclusion is such an important word - and 'flexibility' in Sasha's case! Long may it continue!

  3. You're right. We're really very lucky with the school so far.


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