OK so I'm slightly cheating here by editing a previous post; I do really really apologise, but I'm just SO pushed for time - as always!
Working mums please ignore that last comment, I don't know how you do it ;)
I've come across the Britmums Live Meet & Greet over at mummys shoes' lovely blog, so I really wanted to join in after reading lots of other posts and getting excited all over again....
Name: Steph
Blog: www.stephstwogirls.co.uk
Twitter ID: @stephstwogirls
Height: 5ft 5 and the very important half
Hair: well. originally dark brown, now mostly grey but I'm hiding it well. Was in a lovely graduated short 'bob' (or Kate for those BlackAdder fans out there) but am having mid-life crisis (as about to turn 40 in June) so decided to try and grow it for the last time.... we'll see if it lasts til Britmums Live!
Eyes: Hazel - green and brown (like chocolate)
Likes: In no particular order (although the last IS actually first...): sun, having fun (preferably Fun in the Sun - does that remind anyone else of GMTV??!), my family, baking and decorating cupcakes, i-gadgets, shopping, Southern Comfort, musicals and Boy Bands.
Dislikes: conflict, being stressed, marmite.
Random Fact: I lived on an oil tanker for 6 months when I was 8-9 years old! It was in fact the 11th biggest oil tanker in the world back then.
As I said, I'm so excited about going to the Britmums Live Blogging Conference, and thankfully A Boy with Aspergers has started off “The ultimate Britmums Live Meme and Linky 2012″ to get everyone involved.
Q: What’s your blog title/URL and how long have you been blogging?
A: Stephs Two Girls. First started in Jan 2010 so over 2 years ago, wow! Was really only a personal diary for a long time though.
Q: Will Britmums Live be your First blogging conference?
A: Yes. *squeals!*
Q: Did you bag yourself a sponsor?
A: Not yet but I'm still hoping... any ideas anyone?!
Q: Are you attending both days?
A: Hoping to but have a girlie afternoon/night out already planned for my 40th birthday that Saturday so will see what I can manage!
Q: What are you most looking forward to about the conference?
A: getting to meet up with me old school mucker, queen of blogs (Nickie, that'll be you then
) again but also meeting some other newbies just like me, who know nobody!
Q: Are you wearing Branded Clothing ( you’re sponsors brand)?
A: nope, doubt it very much. I'm not exactly 'sample' size ;)
Q: What is your planned style for this event?
A: Nothing too special, as I have nothing too special in my wardrobes. Need the help of the Super Amazing Blogger Stylist...can someone get me her number please?!
Q: Are you hoping to be nominated for a BiB award?
A: Would be lovely but it ain't gonna happen
Q: if so what category?
A: Think ‘Change’is the only one that would fit, although I hope I'm sometimes funny....
Q: Will you be looking to network with Brands?
A: If it happens that'd be lovely but it's not my main focus
Q: What do u hope to walk away having gained from the conference?
A: Some new friends, and both techie and writing advice for my blog
Q: Will you be dressing up in the toilets for the Friday night BiBs?
A: Oooh, hadn't thought this far ahead. I'm not even sure where the party's at or if anyone will invite me!
Q: Are you speaking at the conference and if so when, where and how do you feel about doing so?
A: Nope, but looking forward to hearing all the other speakers
Q: Will you be joining in the early morning bloggercise on the Saturday?
A: I very much doubt it. I'm still embarrassed that I haven't managed to actually do Bod For Tea's get fit program *hangs head in shame*
Q: What speakers are you most looking forward to listening to?
A: Ruby Wax, Sarah Brown, Nickie, Jane, Michelle, Clare, Lisa.... all of them!
Q: What workshops will you be attending on the Friday (Day 1)
A: Bloggers Studio for sure.
Q: What Workshops being held on the Saturday (Day 2) have grabbed your attention?
A: Am trying to decide between essentials or photography, then any one of the second three, and finally secrets and lies. Not sure I'll make the later ones sadly.
Q: Are u booked into a hotel for the Friday night, if yes which one?
A: Not yet.... suspect I may have to return home if I'm physically able to stand.....
Q: Will you be looking for after party drinks
A: Oh yes. Before, during AND after party drinks please.
Q: Are u worried about not knowing anyone or being confident and socialising on the day?
A: Yes I am to be honest, as there'll be just so many people there but I'm hoping to find anyone to have a laugh or a hug with!
Q: What are you most likely to be found doing while attending Britmums Live?
A: Checking Facebook and emails on my phone if I haven't found anyone to talk to, or else sending updates and pics back to the Get Bloggers to Dublin brigade!
I can't really do the tagging thing as I only know of a couple of others going, who have been tagged already, so instead I'll just tweet the linky and look forward to reading the other answers!
If you'd like to join in though, here are the rules:
See you in June (I'll be 40 then!!)
If you'd like to join in though, here are the rules:
Meme Rules
Its Simple… A Boy with Aspergers has written some questions which I’ve also answered!
Copy the nosey questions, and paste them within your own post, followed by your own answers …
Tag another 2-4 bloggers to do the same (alerting them to the meme) tip (it’s a good idea to make sure they are attending before tagging them)!
Once complete link
your completed Meme to the Linky in this post (don’t forget to share
rules with your tagged few, giving them this URL for the Linky). This way we can keep track of the answers and importantly who’s tagged.
Please link to, and state the creator as A boy with Aspergers.
See you in June (I'll be 40 then!!)
Have a great time at Britmums; the speakers look great. Look forward to hearing how you get on. Unfortunately I can't make it; there's a number of family birthdays at the same time. Deb x
ReplyDeleteAh, really sorry you won't be there Deb, you would have been top of my list of people to try and meet. Maybe another time? x
Delete"See you in June (I'll be 40 then!!)"
ReplyDeleteOh bugger, so will I!! How did that happen? We were 21 last week!!
Ah, it's a long slippery slide downhill. Something to do with children and alcohol I think.... let's raise our (very big) glasses to the past 40 years when we're there, eh?!
DeleteYour excitement is bursting through in this post! I hope you have an amazing time and I can't wait for your report - lots of pics please!
ReplyDeletewell I'll try with the pics... can't promise they won't be blurred or lopsided (if you read my comment above that explains all) ;)
DeleteMmmm... can I get over than you're a marmite hater? Yes, I'm sure I can - looking forward to seeing you there!
ReplyDeletefunny, I just had a feeling you would love that yukky sticky stuff... ah well, world would be boring if we were all the same, eh?!! see you in June :)