Friday 17 February 2012

The generic mp3 shuffle game – round 2

I'm trying to get back into blogging more regularly, and I've started by trying to catch up on some of my favourite blogs. I love linkies but rarely find the time. For some strange reason I just really fancied joining in with this one, so I had to find the time. Maybe it's because I want to show off my amazing music tastes, *ahem*.

This lovely linkie comes from Seasider In The City whose blog I love. To find out more click here.
The idea is to stick your mp3 player on shuffle and list the first 5 songs that come up.  It's a game which is played on the Chris Moyles Show I believe, although personally I'm a Heart girl through and through.... so here are mine:

1. Signed, Sealed, Delivered by the Magnets. A brilliant band, brilliant version of this briliant song! this is a different one of their songs - all the sounds are Acapella, amazing.

2. Shy of The Cool by JLS. Erm, yes. 6 year old daughter to blame for that. Although I have recently bought her tickets to see them in concert (she doesn't know yet!), I drew a line at the calendar with bare chests. Still regretting not getting that for me though ;) not their best in my opinion!

3. Get Outta My Way by Kylie. I LOVE Kylie! Yes I've seen her in concert.

4. I Wish by One Direction. Now I know you won't believe me, but yes this is down to my daughter again. Honest.

5. Christmas Time by Backstreet Boys. It's on a Christmas compilation! Honest! I'm guessing though that I really must come clean and admit that I also have tickets to the forthcoming NKOTBBSB tour (*squeal*!).

Well that's all gone terribly wrong I must say. Next time I think I'll cheat pre-set my Shuffle!

*I don't own the rights to any YouTube links; I'm just hoping it's OK to post them!!