Sunday 19 February 2012

Home time, Family time, Top time....!

I just posted this over on my picture blog, but I really wanted to add it here too:

It's a fitting reminder of what has been a fantastic half term week. We haven't done anything amazing or been anywhere out of the ordinary, but we have met up with some lovely friends and just 'done stuff'.

This included having 2 gorgeous SG girls and their amazing mum here, a meal out at Pizza Express with another friend and mum, a whole day with close school friends at ours, a return to the amazing TRACKS, TC doing streetdance club and getting to play with her bezzer mate, fun with another friend at a manically busy Big Space and swimming - most of which we sadly didn't get any photos for! 

Today we topped it all off with a family play in the park, Crazy Golf, a British picnic (brrrr!), cricket, golf and bubbles in the garden, a yummy, happy Sunday Roast together and a good old dance along in the lounge.

So as much as Sasha wanted to go on 'holiday', not just have a school holiday, it shows that sometimes home is best and it's what you make of it that matters. 

I'll look back on this and smile always.


  1. So glad you had such a nice week. Yes, sometimes traveling isn't all that it's cracked up to be while you can have fun at home. Like you say, it really is all what you make of it.

  2. I love it. We have a long weekend here and we're staying put. I love the photos!

  3. I ove the pictures it looks like you had a lovely half term week, we too spent it at home just doing bits and bobs and we hd a lovely time :) x

  4. Thanks. I do love photos, they're my weakness. I do wish I was better at taking them though!!


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